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University of Arizona

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We tell stories. We know ourselves through our stories and others’ stories. Stories connect us. And stories come in many forms. The Storytelling Lab focuses on these ways that stories work in the world.


We build archives and critically attend to how and why we do this work. We pay close attention to the communities and their complex and contradictory histories. We engage Critical Archival Studies as an approach to archives to incorporate social, cultural, and critical theory and methodologies to work towards more inclusive and robust archives, their practices, and their productions.


Using bodies as a foundational structure, we attend to theories of the body and relationships across technologies and how we know and move in the world. Bodies as a lens through which to study archives and storytelling invites an intersectional approach to understanding race, sexuality, gender, and ability as distinct technologies of hegemonic oppression that must be acknowledged and changed. Our bodies as sites of research makes urgent social justice efforts in archives and storytelling.